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ComponentPoolManagerCreatePool Method

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

Overload List
Public methodCreatePool(Type)
Creates a ComponentPool that pools instances of componentType, and attaches it to the manager. The pool is created on a child object of the manager's game object.
Public methodCreatePool(TPoolSettings)
Creates a new pool using the specified settings, and attaches it to the manager. The pool is created on a child object of the manager's game object.
(Inherited from PoolManagerBaseTManagerSettings, TPool, TPoolSettings, TSource, TInstance.)
Public methodCreatePool(Type, GameObject, Boolean)
Creates a ComponentPool that pools instances of componentType, and attaches it to the manager.
Public methodCreatePool(TPoolSettings, GameObject, Boolean, String)
Creates a new pool using the specified settings, and attaches it to the manager.
(Inherited from PoolManagerBaseTManagerSettings, TPool, TPoolSettings, TSource, TInstance.)
See Also