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PoolBaseTSource, TInstance, TSettings Events

[This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.]

The PoolBaseTSource, TInstance, TSettings generic type exposes the following members.

Public eventCanAcquireChanged
Occurs when the value of CanAcquire changes.
Public eventCountChanged
Occurs when Count changes.
Public eventDestroyed
Occurs when the pool is destroyed.
Public eventInitialised
Occurs when the pool is initialised.
Public eventObjectAcquired
Occurs when an instance of the source object is acquired from the pool.
Public eventObjectDestroyed
Occurs when an instance of the source object is destroyed.
Public eventObjectInstantiated
Occurs when a new instance of the source object is instantiated.
Public eventObjectReleased
Occurs when an instance of the source object is released back to the pool.
See Also