Is there any Demo using Pure Pool integrated with Photon Pun 2? Recently bought Pure Pool since i had this issue, but im still a little confused how the integration works.
I use in my PhotonRoom script the following instantiation RPC after loading the scene level from the main menu:
private void RPC_CreatePlayer()
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(Path.Combine("PhotonPrefab", "Player"), transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0);
The issue is that i dont want to make my player be in a pool, just scene gameObjects but somehow pure pool tries to fetch it dropping me a null error since it doesnt recognize the prefabID. Error occurs in this line of code in PrefabPool script (line 98):
if (this.manager.HasName(prefabId)) {
if (this.manager.TryAcquireDisabled(prefabId, position, rotation, out instance)) {
return instance;
So how do i select the gameObjects i want in the pool?
Any help on a demo of pure pool and photon to use it as a guide, would be much appreciated.